Stephanie, Parent Testimonial

“My son has never connected with a mental health professional like he has with Gina. He opens up to her, receives and actually applies her advice. His grades have increased and discipline has decreased. We are so thankful for Gina.”

Angelo, 15 year old client

“Gina is easy to talk to, nonjudgmental and has helped my parents and I understand each other.”


  • "My child had numerous therapists, counselors, social workers and they all left after a few months. But behavior coaching with Gina has been a game changer for our family. My child can communicate their feelings in a safe way whereas before it would have been a tantrum."

    Josie, Parent of a 7 year old Client

  • "My daughter has always struggled. She and the rest of our family finally feel hopeful. "

    Kate, Parent of a 12 year old Client

  • "Gina has changed the way I see parenting. When it seemed like I tried everything and was at the end of my rope I figured, since coaching is so affordable, we would try. I'm so grateful for the tools and strategies Gina has given us."

    Trevor, Parent Coaching Client